lundi 29 août 2011

Zamimpilo Crêche

Last week, members of the Alliance Française, Priscille, Glenn (notre chère présidente), and French visitor Pacôme Du Pont, visited Zamimpilo Crêche in "Little" France, Pmb and saw the latest star onsite, Napoléon Bonaparte! Featured above  with Ma Msomi.

jeudi 4 août 2011

Forthcoming attractions!

Fête de la Gastronomie, vendredi le 23 Septembre @ Trafford, 45 Miller Street, PMB. Email:
Pour une soirée gastronomique inoubliable, chez Trafford, notre tout nouveaux restaurant, à 45 Miller Street, PMB.


French Eiffel Tower Keyrings


Speak to a committee member!

Made by a local KZN crafter, and proceeds go to the AF PMB. Génial :)


Be sure to stop by the Tatham Art Gallery to see their latest exhibition, «Meeting the Makers - Contemporary Craft of KwaZulu-Natal». Exhibition closes 18 September 2011. 

Soirée Française.

Le quatorze juillet was honoured in style this year! Members of the Alliance Française of Pietermaritzburg gathered in numbers at Cookalooks Cookery Studio in Roberts Rd  for a delicious meal and superb music in celebration of bleu, blanc, rouge!
Many thanks to everyone who was present and made the evening such a success. Vive la France!

mardi 2 août 2011

French Presence - Howick

Looking for some delicious French pastries close to home? Why not try LA BAGUETTE, the best French Bakery in KZN. Freshly baked goods daily. Delicious pastries, fresh pies, and wonderful baguettes. Incroyable!


Please join us for the AGM @ 17h30 on Wednesday at PMB campus, UKZN.

For more details, email Glenn at: